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Creative Writing Teachers' Preferences in Teaching Methods and Educational Aims

Nawal Ibrahim - Creative writing teachers' preferences of teaching methods: A quantitaive design
Roger Powell - Creative writing teachers' preferences of teaching methods and educational aims

Exploring Students’ Preferences Regarding Creative Writing Pedagogy

Kelsey Hixson-Bowles - Measuring students' confidence in their creative writing after in-class peer feedback
Justin Nichols - Measuring ownership of creative and academic writing
Aaron Beasley - Which genres do students prefer to write?
Hind Alzahrani - Students' levels of confidence in their ability to write different creative genres

Creative Writing Experiences of First and Second-Language Writers

Ahdab Saaty - Correlations between expressing feelings and being confident when writing personal narratives in one's first language
Abdullah Darwish - Measuring creative writers' perceptions of the quality of their expression when conducting different creative writing genres in their L1 and/or L2
Marissa McKinley - Are poets more able to understand a classmate's life, compared to non-poets?
Tony Schiera - Measuring satisfaction levels in writing short fiction and personal narrative
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